Friday, February 21, 2014

Our Princess

Princess is a 8 year fun,friendly, active ,Pitbull.
She completes our family, she is our 
little Princess. On the day of Dec.17 2013, her back went out
causing her to lose all movements in her back legs 
when we arrived at her vets office we were told to put her down, but we just couldn't 
especially before the holidays. We were told that Princess would be able to walk again
if she got a special surgery in which we can not afford so now 
she's on meds which slowly helps her with her pain. All our active dog does now is lay on the floor looking helpless.
 Princess is such a fighter she tries to move
her back legs but gets so upset when theres NO movement, but with the help of anyone 
who can help or knows someone who can help please spread the word so
our Princess can walk again. 

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